How to care for your Ficus

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree; Rubber Plant;

What The Plant Needs

Welcome Home

When your Ficus arrives home, be patient and give it time to acclimatise to its new surroundings. Give it gentle attention; find a well-lit spot, mist the leaves, and water if the soil feels dry.

After a week or so your Ficus will start to feel at home, and start to shine.


Your Ficus will thrive in a bright position that gets plenty of morning or late-afternoon sunlight.

It's a good idea to place your Ficus in a spot where it gets consistent light and warmth - it's fussier than other houseplants - they will appreciate things staying the same and love routine.

Keep them out of the midday sun, as this can scorch the leaves. The plant will be much happier in temperatures above 15°C.

In winter don't be tempted to move your Ficus closer to a radiator. Keep it away from radiators and cold draughts as they cause stress to houseplants.

In the summer months when it's hot, keep a close eye on your Ficus. Wilting could mean they need more water, brown leaf edges could mean it's getting too much sun.


Check the top 5cm of soil with your finger - if it comes out dry, it's time to water.

Don't leave the plant standing in water, so make sure the water can drain away.

It's a good idea to check the soil more often in summer when the weather is warmer, as Ficus might need a little more water than in the cold winter months.


Ficus will benefit from being fed with a general houseplant fertiliser, as these tend to be nitrogen-rich and will keep the leaves green and lush.

Feed every 2 weeks in spring, summer and autumn when the Ficus is in its growth phase.

In winter, these plants will go dormant and won't grow, so there's no need to feed.

Diseases & Pests

Houseplant pests are a common cause of plant issues, particularly in the warmer months.

It's a good idea to check the leaves every now and again to be on the look out for small insects on your plants.

Yellowing or browning leaves can sometimes be signs of pests, disease, nutrient issues, or watering issues.

When in doubt, contact us at Sproutl with a photograph of the problem so we can help you.


Ficus leaves can drop when there's a change in temperature or watering regime, and it's good to be aware that they are slow growing so it may take time and patience for it to fill out again.

But don't panic, it will grow back.

It's unlikely that you will need to cut off a leaf, but if you do remember to use sharp, clean tools to avoid the spread of disease and cut the leaf as close to the stem as possible.

Don't be put off by the idea of re-potting your Ficus. You'll want to repot your Ficus every couple of years when the roots are visible through the drainage holes of the pot, and ideally in spring.

Choose a pot that's slightly larger than its current home, with drainage holes so that water can drain easily.

If you're re-potting directly into a decorative pot that has a drainage hole, don't forget a saucer, or simply use a nursery pot placed inside the decorative pot or basket which can be easily emptied of excess water.